[ DOWNLOAD] Stilearn - Admin Template- Ver 2.0.0

[ DOWNLOAD] Stilearn - Admin Template- Ver 2.0.0
[ DOWNLOAD] Stilearn - Admin Template- Ver 2.0.0

Stilearn is a new looks and more interactive features. More fast, beautiful, clean, elegant and keep it simple. Support on Yeoman (web's scaffolding tool for Modern Webbapp), feel free to shoot us an email about yeoman support.


  • Responsive design
  • jQuery 2.0.3
  • Bootstrap 3.1.x
  • PJAX
  • Masonry (w/ sort, filter, search support features)
  • Widget (w/ awesome actions feature and sortable support)
  • Chat
  • Maps
  • Chart (Morris, Flot, Easypie, sparkline)
  • Dynamic Table (DataTables, TableSorter)
  • Animated (animate.css, hover.css, wow.js)
  • Modern Form Elements
  • Uploader
  • Wizard
  • Text Editors (Bootstrap wysihtml5, Markdown)
  • Icon Font Awesome
  • Calendar (fullcalendar)
  • Much more...

Ready Page

  • Signin/up
  • Error Page (404, 500)
  • Landing Page
  • Gallery
  • Pricing
  • Invoice


  • Come with new looks
  • Remove elements that not support on BS 3.x
  • Remove some page sample (available again on next update)
  • Remove all css gradient
  • Rename some css helper class and add more class helper
  • Pull Chat box on fixed position
  • Adding a tons awesome features
  • Fixed Themes bug IE9
  • Fixed Some problems & display IE9
  • Adding Themes
  • Improve Layout (3 Column, 2 Column & Toggle)
  • Migrate to jQuery 1.9.x
  • Update Bootstrap 2.3.1
  • Update Font Awesome 3.0.2
  • Fixed Some problems & display
  • Adding display mode settings (normal, fixed top, fixed side, fixed side only)
  • Adding of features (Calendar, Sliders, Button Animated, Content Breadcrumb)
  • Adding sample page (403, 405, 500, 503, coming son, under construction, gallery, message)
  • Adding elusive icon
  • Change form element style (jquery chosen to jquery select2)
  • Maximizing function of right sidebar
  • Support Chat Feature on right sidebar and other feature
  • etc
1.0 :
  • Initial Release