[DOWNLOAD] Roxie - Multipurpose Responsive Theme - Ver 1.1

[DOWNLOAD] Roxie - Multipurpose Responsive Theme - Ver 1.1
[DOWNLOAD] Roxie - Multipurpose Responsive Theme - Ver 1.1

Roxie is a precision powerful multipurpose business theme. More than anything it is mobile first, fully responsive, clean and fancy. Take a lead ahead of your competition with our theme, it will be easier than ever. This theme was created with emphasis on simple use. We built this theme from small details to amazing fully functional website with tons of features.
We created 50+ html pages for you including eshop, portfolio, blog and much more.
10 Color schemes
This quote more than anything perfectly describes our work.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
-Steve Jobs
We follow this line in every step we made in designing Roxie.
Built with HTML 5, CSS3 and the latest version of jQuery.

Roxie - Multipurpose Powerful Responsive ThemeRoxie - Multipurpose Powerful Responsive ThemeRoxie - Multipurpose Powerful Responsive Theme


  • Fully responsive mobile first theme
  • FontAwesome integration
  • 50+ html pages
  • Owl Carousel
  • Isotope
  • 10 Color schemes
  • Pricing tables
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Creative brands (social buttons) included
  • Developer Friendly Code
  • Documentation
  • Support with smile
  • Magnific popup images view


Photos & Images
Photos on Event Page