[DOWNLOAD] Bootstrap Shopping Cart - v 1.0

[DOWNLOAD] Bootstrap Shopping Cart - v 1.0
[DOWNLOAD] Bootstrap Shopping Cart - v 1.0

The shopping cart also makes use of Bootstrap's carousel plugin and uses jQuery star ratings. If you want to make your own e-commerce website, there's little else you could want.


  • Product details
  • Shopping cart
  • Product category
  • Product listings
  • Checkout
  • Product comparison
  • Contact us
  • Login and registration


  • Compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.x
  • Uses Bootstrap 2.0.1
  • Written in valid HTML5 that makes good use of proper semantics
  • Theme modifications are stored in a separate CSS stylesheet to make upgrading easy
  • View the layout without styles to see the well-formed, bare markup
  • Includes jQuery 1.7.1, minified


  • Firefox 4+
  • Latest Chrome
  • Latest Safari
  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Opera 11
